Our 4-Year-Old Program
What to expect
In our four-year old program, we engage children in the co-creation of learning experiences, nurturing their interests. Our focus in four-year-old classes lies in fostering cooperative learning, collaboration, and enjoyment, all anchored with play!
Children attending four-year-old kindergarten are encouraged to develop a variety of motor, play, social, self-help and communication skills.
During a regular session we will offer children time for:
- Indoor activity play
- Outdoor activity play
- Group experiences such as stories, music, movement, dancing, games and drama.
- Morning snack/lunch/afternoon tea
Through a blend of developmental play and structured group activities, children develop essential skills and attitudes that pave the way for future learning achievements. Our educators actively support children in building resilience, independence, and self-help abilities.
Establishing routines and fostering group participation are fundamental aspects of preparing for school transition. We provide ample opportunities for early literacy and numeracy skill development, integrating formal group learning sessions with informal learning moments, with learning through play at the heart. Furthermore, our educators prioritise the development of motor skills, social skills, and self-regulation, ensuring children are well-equipped for the exciting transition to school!
All of these elements are facilitated by our team of qualified and nurturing educators who are deeply passionate about fostering early learning experiences, and enabled by our host of incredible facilities, including purpose-built outdoor sensory play (mud kitchen), active play & soft fall area, indoor play zones with a focus on imagination & creativity.
The CDPS 4-year-old program looks to develop in our children resilience, independence, and love for learning that will serve them throughout their educational journey and beyond.
Varied learning
Four-year-old kindergarten also provides a range of targeted incursions to compliment the various themes which we cover with the children across the year.
We also plan to have one excursion during the four-year-old year.
Our parents are encouraged to “stay and play” throughout the terms and share their own passions with our kinder group – we have had music, cooking, science experiments to name a few!
School transition
Our 4-year-old kinder program, we recognise the significance of the transition to Prep and are committed to ensuring that every child enters primary school with confidence, curiosity, and readiness to thrive.
We partner with many local primary schools to support a smooth transition, and each child will receive a Transition Learning and Development Statement (TLDS) which will be provided to your child’s school or Foundation teacher. It helps the teacher get to know your child and plan the best way to teach them.
2024 Program Timetable & Cost
Group Name | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Red Group 15 hrs
8.30am – 4pm | 8.30am – 4pm | |||
Blue Group 15 hrs
8.30am – 4pm | 8.30am – 4pm | |||
Yellow Group 15 hrs
8.30am – 4pm | 8.30am – 4pm |
Central Enrolments
Canterbury and District Pre-school’s enrolments are managed through the Boroondara Kindergarten Central Enrolments Scheme (BKCES). Full details of the enrolment process including timelines and the application form can be found on the City of Boroondara website.
Enrolment enquiries should be directed to the BKCES on 9278 4444 or email kindergarten@boroondara.vic.gov.au
You may apply online: https://www.boroondara.vic.gov.au/community-support/boroondara-families/kindergarten
Please note: Due to Free Kinder for 2024 there are no discounts applicable to valid Concession Card holders. Valid concession card holders should contact the Fees Officer to discuss the security deposit fees@canterburykinder.org.au
CDPS have opted in to Free Kinder for 2024 there are no term fees for 3YO or 4YO programs in 2024.
Development goals
- Develop self-help skills and independence
- Develop a positive self-image and grow in confidence
- Understand and learn the behaviour necessary for effective membership of a group situation
- Become self-disciplined and develop respect for others through cooperation, sharing, taking turns and generally adhering to the rules of “fair-play”
- Learn to work independently as well as part of a group
- Develop gross and fine motor skills necessary to confidently and competently function in their environment
- Develop creativity, imagination, curiosity
Educational goals
- Develop a variety of language skills such as verbal fluency, articulation, comprehension, listening carefully and responding appropriately
- Learn through active exploration of the environment
- Be involved in a variety of activities and experiences that encourage the development of pre-reading and pre-writing skills
- Remain and direct their attention to a selected activity through persistence and concentration and ultimately, see the activity to its logical conclusion
- Develop mastery of “key” concepts that are needed for progress at school
In addition to our learning program, the teachers organise fun and exciting activities for the children. These are just some of the fun things that have been undertaken in the last year or two.
Sustainability and the Environment
- Establishing own vegetable garden
- Monitoring the rain water tank
- Conscious recycling
- Worm farm & compost bin
Hands On Learning
Cooking and Pancake day
Jungle Journey / Aussie Animal Adventures
Wild Action (real Australian Animals)
Seaweed Sammy
African drumming
Special Visitor & Activity Days
Weekly ‘Ready, Set, Go’ kids sport program
Outdoor obstacle courses
Footy Days with AFL players
Visit from Acorn Nursery & Local Baker’s
Backyard Honey Beekeeper
Family Mornings
Grandparent / special friend day
Mum’s Morning tea
Dad’s Morning tea
Excursion to Melbourne Museum
Visit to the local shops (Union Rd)
Chesterfield Farm
Mini Maestros Music & Movement for 0-5s
Support Your Child to Thrive
Children are our future.
As parents, we want to know we have done all we can to give them the best preparation they deserve, to face the increasingly uncertain road ahead.
We know that children who are creative, capable, resilient, and aware, have the best chances to thrive in the world that lay ahead.
That’s why at Mini Maestros, we have refined our formula for nurturing babies to 5 year old's through music and movement classes old for almost 40 years.
Mini Maestros classes are a one-stop shop when it comes to providing “brain-food” for your little one.
- Build Confidence
- Nurture Whole Brain Development
- Social Interaction for Parent and Child
- Age-Specific for Children’s Developmental Stage
- Classroom Experience in Preparation for Kinder and School
Feel reassured we are supporting your child to thrive, so they are better prepared, achieving millstones, and skipping with confidence into the future.
W: minimaestros.com.au
Mini Maestros | Music Classes for Pre-School Children | Online Courses
Life is busy. We all know that. So we believe in giving your child a moment in their week to stop, and find calm with mindfulness & movement as part of their CDPS program. At Hello Yoga our focus is to build a beautiful combo of strength & confidence in kids so they better cope with whatever the challenge, anxiety, or upset. Our classes find calm, balance, & forever focus on how incredible kids are, ‘as they are’. Best thing is that all of this is woven into a whole lot of fun!
Canterbury & District Pre-School
26 Guildford Road
Surrey Hills | VIC | 3127
Melway Reference: 46 F10
P: +61 3 8840 7949
W: https://canterburykinder.org.au
Reg.No. A00059025